April 17 & 18, 2025
Online 4pm CEST / 7am PST / 10am EST
Master Fullstack
JS Backends, DevOps, Architecture
of talks & discussion rooms -
sharing know-how -
from all over the globe
Join us remotely on April 17-18, 2025, for a comprehensive update on modern JavaScript backend runtimes, and best practices. Network with top industry engineers and open-source contributors, enhance your skills and find inspiration, friends, and new career opportunities.
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Program Committee
Matteo is the Co-Founder and CTO of Platformatic.dev with the goal to remove all friction from backend development. He is also a prolific Open Source author in the JavaScript ecosystem and modules he maintains are downloaded more than 17 billion times a year. Previously he was Chief Software Architect at NearForm.
Matteo is a member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee focusing on streams, diagnostics and http. He is also the author of the fast logger Pino and of the Fastify web framework. He is also co-author of the book "Accelerating Server-Side Development with Fastify" edited by Packt.
In 2014, he defended his Ph.D. thesis titled "Application Platforms for the Internet of Things". Matteo is an renowed international speaker after more than 60 conferences, including OpenJS World, Node.js Interactive, NodeConf.eu, NodeSummit, JSConf.Asia, WebRebels, and JsDay just to name a few.
In the summer he loves sailing the Sirocco.
My primary interest is self development and craftsmanship. I enjoy exploring technologies, coding open source and enterprise projects, teaching, speaking and writing about programming - JavaScript, Node.js, TypeScript, Go, Java, Docker, Kubernetes, JSON Schema, DevOps, Web Components, Algorithms 👋 ⚽️ 🧑💻 🎧
Principal Architect and Node.js expertise leader at Grid Dynamics. Node.js and serverless consultant. Public speaker and https://cloud-machine.expert/ blog author.
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Next.js, Headless CMS and eCommerce expert agency
FocusReactive will help you architect, build, and lead technically advanced websites focusing on performance and scalability. Partners and experts in Next.js/Vercel, Storyblok, Sanity, Contentful, Shopify Hydrogen, and other Headless eCommerce platforms.
Whether you seek expert Headless CMS agency services or an expert agency with deep experience with platforms like Headless React CMS & NextJS CMS, FocusReactive is the one to help you scale.